The New A.M. Custom Clothing Branding

Split image of old and new logo

2023 will mark A.M. Custom Clothing’s 10th birthday. Over our first decade, we’ve achieved many things, including building the biggest range of sustainable and ethical products in the entire United Kingdom. 

Ahead of this momentous occasion, we’ve undertaken a small but important redesign of our brand image. 

As part of this, you’ll begin to see a new logo rolled out that, while still clearly recognisable as ours, helps to make our passion for sustainability clearer to our customers. 

Raising the Bar of Sustainable Custom Clothing, Always and Forever

Our focus has always been protecting the environment and the people that make our clothes and we feel that it should be the norm. That’s why you’ll find a wide selection of organic, Fairtrade, and recycled products made in renewably-powered factories with strong labour records. 

However, as the climate crisis and the poor working practices of some garment manufacturers has become better understood by the public, many in our industry have jumped on the bandwagon. 

Recent research by The European Commission has shown that 42% of companies make unsubstantiated claims about their environmental credentials and it can sometimes be difficult for buyers to tell the brands genuinely committed to making a difference from the ones that are doing it because it’s cool. 

The New A.M. Custom Clothing Branding

Introducing our fresh look: The Rebrand Story

Our new logo and the branding that goes around it is aimed at communicating this more clearly, helping our customers to understand that they are buying from a business that truly cares. 

This isn’t a new initiative. We’ve always focused on selling workwear, uniforms, event clothing, merchandise, and fashion-forward retail garments that make as little impact on the environment as possible and we’ve got the receipts to prove it. 

Of course, we’re not perfect and we’ve never claimed to be. We’re on a journey, just like you, to continually improve our efforts in the protection of our planet and the people that live on it. 

Commenting on the update, A.M. Custom Clothing director, Alex Franklin said “We want our customers to buy with confidence, knowing that they can always find the most sustainable products from us. Our updated logo is a big step forward in communicating that. It’s an exciting time for our business and we can’t wait to share the next steps with everyone.”

Just the First Step

As we head towards 2023, we’ve got a lot of exciting things planned to take sustainable custom clothing to the next level. 

Throughout the year, you can expect to see new products, more resources and information to help improve education about sustainability, and additional ways to reduce your impact on the environment.

Thank you for an amazing 10 years and we look forward to sharing more of this journey with you.

  • Kelly Baker - Marketing Co-ordinator

    Kelly is a passionate Marketing Coordinator at AM Custom Clothing. With an in-depth knowledge of sustainable design and branding, combined with years in the print industry, she helps translate our knowledge and wisdom into practical insights. Kelly’s role is pivotal in ensuring businesses have access to the guidance they need to make impactful, informed decisions when it comes to sustainability, marketing and custom clothing.