Exhibitions and trade fairs offer excellent opportunities for the savvy entrepreneur or business owner to forge new relationships, develop leads, and even convert some customers. Having paid hundreds or even thousands of pounds to display at one of these events, and taken the time out to attend, you need to do everything you can to […]
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How to Build a Sustainable and Ethical Fashion Brand
For months, you’ve laboured over your creative project, drafting designs for your signature pieces and building your unique eco-friendly business model. Starting a new fashion brand is a massive undertaking filled with hard work! However – fueled with the correct resources, marketing, and brainpower – your ideas can blossom into a lucrative, fulfilling business. Try […]
Startup Fashion Brand Relabelling Guide
So you’ve read our help centre article “Why We Don’t Offer Relabelling & Why You Should Use an Expert“, and have decided printing your logo into the neck (or externally to the nape for optimal brand exposure) is the best option for you. However, you’re wanting a product that doesn’t have manufacturers branding plastered over the […]