Eco Tourism: What is The Airline Industry Doing to be More Sustainable?

Eco Friendly Travel.

Travelling the world, reducing your carbon footprint, and supporting sustainable practices. Is it even possible? This blog post discusses what the airline industry is doing to be more sustainable. To say that achieving net zero flying by 2050 is challenging is quite an understatement! But the link between air travel and rising global temperatures must […]

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What to Consider Before Buying Waiter Uniforms for Your Restaurant, Cafe, or Nightclub

Waiter Uniform Trendy.

Uniforms need to look great and be practical. With so many options available, figuring out where to start can be overwhelming! Here’s what to consider before buying waiter uniforms for your restaurant, cafe or nightclub. When running a successful restaurant, cafe, or nightclub, your waiters are the face of your brand. Selecting the perfect waiter […]

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What is the cheapest way to print T-shirts?

What is the cheapest way to print T-shirts? Printing custom T-shirts is a popular option for businesses, brands and charities. Custom T-shirts can be used for brand promotion, team uniforms, raising money or can of course, be a business in itself. Whatever the reason for purchasing custom T-shirts, price can often be an important factor […]

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DTG printing vs screen printing – which is best?

Choosing a print method for your custom clothing can seem daunting and we are asked frequently about the difference between DTG printing and screen printing. If you are new to garment printing, it is best to keep an open mind and ask your printer which method would be best for you based on your requirements […]

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Eco Tourism: How To Make Your Hotel More Sustainable

hotel room

Set yourself apart from other businesses, positively impact the environment and impress your guests. Here’s how to make your hotel more sustainable. Hotels and other types of accommodation worldwide are fantastic for driving employment and economic revenue, but they produce unimaginable waste and pollution. Hotels and different types of accommodation contribute 2% of the 5% of […]

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How to create awesome company T-shirts

Custom Printed T-Shirt

How to create awesome company t-shirts Corporate branded T-shirts have become popular amongst businesses. T-shirts are a versatile product that can yield a high reward for low cost whether they are for staff uniforms, giveaway prizes or team events. Company branded T-shirts are also a great tool for increasing employee engagement and improving company culture. […]

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Disposable or reusable masks? Safety & environmental impact

Disposable face mask

What are the environmental impacts of disposable face masks? It is estimated that 7,200 tonnes of medical waste is generated daily during the Covid-19 pandemic, a large portion of which is disposable masks. Around the world, 129 billion disposable masks are used every month, approximately 3 million masks every minute. Face masks are essential for […]

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Could NFT Digital Clothing Make Fashion, Merch and Workwear Achieve Net-Zero?

Man wearing a VR headset in a semi-digital world

This may seem like a completely bonkers concept or an idea dreamed up by a Twitter bot trying to include all the latest buzzwords into a title, but there is a genuine prospect that there is a future in which metaverse and blockchain technologies come together to provide a new way to make sustainable garments […]

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How to Reduce Microplastic and Microfibre Pollution From Your Washing

Up to 64% of our clothes are made from synthetic and non-biodegradable materials such as polyester, nylon and acrylic. Whilst this is great for the sports industry or for fast fashion where costs are kept low, the reality is that these materials release tiny plastic particles called microfibres that cause havoc on our ecosystems. What […]

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