If you sell vegan products, whether it’s cupcakes, shampoos, or even shoes; it seems only right that your staff workwear or uniform tick the same ethical boxes. Allowing your staff to truly represent your brand, and be walking billboards for your values.
There are a whole host of reasons why it’s worth considering going vegan with your staff uniform, you’ll find a few of these below:
Feel Good Factor - Statistics show that almost half the UK workforce (42%) now want to work for an organisation that has a positive impact on the world (according to research carried out by consultancy Global Tolerance). Additionally, the survey of 2000 people revealed that 44% thought meaningful work was more important than a higher salary, and 36% stated they would work harder if their company benefit society. With that in mind, your employees are going to feel great knowing that their uniform is the embodiment of this.
Shareability & Authenticity - With every day that passes the world becomes increasingly interconnected, with social media and technology leading this. This lends to many opportunities for businesses to promote themselves and their values. Your embroidered uniform is just another way you can share these values with your customers alongside your employees.
This increased connectivity also means increased awareness of social and environmental issues. In turn it is now more important than ever to be transparent and authentic across the board. Ensuring your uniforms are purchased in a sustainable and fair way is a great way to show this commitment.
Protecting people, the planet and of course animals
Buying wholesale vegan certified, organic t-shirts for your staff uniform ticks a lot of boxes; but really the most important factors behind it all should be people, the planet and animals.
Our Stanley & Stella vegan range of t-shirts are certified by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which is the largest animal rights organisation in the world, with more than 6.5 million members and supporters. This means that the manufacturer doesn’t conduct or commission any animal tests on ingredients, formulations, or finished products and pledge never to do so. On top of this, the apparel is made from 100% vegan materials, so you can be confident that no harm came to anyone during its creation. The organic cotton is certified by GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) the gold standard for organic certification, and the factories are Fair Wear Foundation certified, protecting workers rights.
We’re able to offer all of this, at a price that you could only dream of! So whether you're a vegan restaurant needing new uniforms, a forward thinking brand, or even a cool band looking for merch that fits your values, we can help.
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At AM Custom Clothing, our team brings decades of hands-on experience in sustainable clothing design, manufacturing, and branding. We’re passionate about sharing practical insights and expert advice through our blog, helping businesses confidently navigate their journey toward ethical and sustainable clothing.