Excel Care – Care Home Pyjama Uniforms

Care Home - Pyjama style workwear uniform T-Shirts

Vivid uniforms helping to improve wellbeing

Pyjama style all-over printed t-shirts, making staff recognisable & helping residents identify the time of the day.

The Project

Excelcare is a leading family run company with 33 care homes across the country. They’re continually innovating when it comes to delivering great care to their residents, going above and beyond. The homes care for a number of residents that suffer dementia, and struggle to recognise whether it is day or night, in turn these residents struggle to maintain normal sleeping patterns at night. To help combat this the staff started wearing pyjamas at night to provide a visual queue for the time of the day, helping to improve the residents well-being.

Upon great success following a trial period they decided to take this up a notch, designing bespoke all-over printed t-shirts specifically for night staff, that had a pyjama night time feel to them. This would allow them to provide the same value as pyjamas but with a consistent uniform.

The Solution

We helped Excelcare in the designing and production of the all-over t-shirts for their staff, ensuring vivid prints that would not only be instantly recognisable, but would also clearly help residents identify the time of the day.

The t-shirts were hugely successful and rolled out across all of the companies care homes. They provided a huge amount of value to residents, allowing them to recognise night staff and in turn associate this with night time. As a by-product this has helped reduce night time falls and sleep deprivation, increased day-time well being and better relationships between staff and residents alike.

Following the pioneering successes of Excelcare, a number of other care homes across the UK have started to implement similar strategies.


Our dedicated team were able to work with the brand to provide a product that not only looked incredible, but met all of the brands values, on time and on budget.

All-over printed T-shirt for staff uniforms

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